Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Hat

Steve and I played at Bushwacker's, on Friday, and I stayed until closing in order to get our cut of the drink sales. I ended up getting into bed at 2:30 AM. Saturday night, I went to see Robert Harrison and the Outsiders at Herman's. They went on late, and I stayed after the show to help them load up/just hang out. I ended up in bed at 3:00 AM, Sunday morning. I was up by 7:30, both mornings.

Steve and Adam M both had colds, over the weekend, and I ended up with my own, yesterday. I think that all of the staying up late lowered my resistance, or something. In bed at 7:00 PM, last night, and finally out of bed at 12:30, this afternoon.

In the meantime, my new helmet showed up. It is a Daytona, DOT-certified full face. They advertise it as being the lowest-profile DOT helmet available, and you can see that it is noticeably smaller than my Bell 500. I wore it on my commute, yesterday, and I found that the interior isn't as nice as the Bell.  But it cost about half as much, so that isn't a big shock.

I need to figure out some graphics because, while the gold metal flake is cool, I just can't leave stuff alone...



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